Friday 16 September 2011

Dropping in

There is something quite terrifying as you lean over the top of your deck (your skateboard) to the awaiting pipe below. Being an extreme amateur myself I can assure you it takes a lot more courage than you think. Watching people who know how to skate, you would expect it to be as simple as breathing. There is a total calmness to their face and not even the slightest hesitation as they gracefully glide down the pipe. I stepped up to the edge and was fine…until I leaned over. What was a 1 and a half metre high drop now looks like 10 and the deck under your feet just a flimsy bit of board between you and the concrete. Having just had four teeth out this week, I can tell you I chickened out at the thought of losing a couple extra. After questioning a skater about the technique of dropping in I was told “just put your foot on the front of your deck, lean over and fall.” I’m sure after I’ve learnt some more basics I’ll find the courage to attempt it and eventually do it without thinking. Until then I’ll stick to flat and slightly sloping surfaces.
... its a lot scarier than it looks. unless your fearless like my daughter

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